Green Garden Landscaping & Lawn Care Services
      • How can we control weed?

        To stop these weeds from destroying your lawn beauty, you can control them using the following methods: 

        1) Cultural practices to control weeds: It involves practices that promote healthy turfgrass and discourage weed growth. It includes land preparation, variety selection, regular watering and fertilization, mowing, etc.

        2) Mechanical methods of weed control: Most perennial weeds are stubborn and survive the cultivation weed control methods. 

        So mechanically removing those weeds, such as hand pulling or removing weeds mechanically using specialized equipment, ensures a weed-free lawn.

        3) Chemical methods of weed control: Mechanical method may be an effective weed control method for the time being and does not ensure the reemergence of weeds. 

        However, the chemical method involves the use of herbicides, including pre-emergent herbicides, post-emergent herbicides, selective and nonselective herbicides, etc, that keep your lawn weed-free throughout the season. 

        To know more on how to control weed contact a weed control experts like Green Garden Landscaping to help you control weed in you lawn.

      • What are the types of weed?

        Generally, the lawn weeds are categorized into three major groups depending on their life cycle.

        It includes perennial weeds, biennial weeds, and annual weeds. 

        Depending on the leaf size, weeds are further divided into broad leaves, sedges, and grasses. 

        Grasses: Grass seedlings are monocotyledons that have only one seed leaf. Generally, their leaves are long and narrow, having parallel veins. 

        This group includes crabgrass and dayflower. Sedges: Usually, stems of sedges are solid and triangular. They have a three-ranked leaf arrangement. There are no distinct sheath-blade divisions, and the basal portion of each leaf is fused to form a tube-like structure around the stem. Each leaf arises one-third of the way around the stem from the leaf below. Sedges can reach up to 4 feet in height. Purple Nut Sedge and Watergrass are examples of sedges. 

        Broadleaved weeds: This group has expanded leaf blades. Venation of the leaves may be parallel as in monocots or netted as in dicots. 

        Mainly, the common lawn weeds belong to this group. Plantain, Purslane, and Smartweed are some of the examples of broadleaved weeds. 

        Perennial weeds: These weeds reproduce from seeds and vegetative parts of the plant, such as below-ground root-like stems, including rhizomes, creeping roots, tubers, and bulbs, or above-ground stems that produce roots such as stolons. These weeds are able to survive for more than two years. Examples are pokeweed, Poison Ivy, Black Medic, etc. 

        Biennial weeds: These weeds live for more than one year but are unable to survive for more than two years. Examples are Musk Thistle, Yellow Salsify, etc. 

        Annual weeds: These weeds survive for one year or less. Most varieties reproduce by seeds only. However, some varieties also reproduce by adventitious roots on prostrate stems. This means they may root and form new plants if their stems are damaged or cut. 

        The most common garden weeds are annuals. Examples are knotweed, crabgrass, Purslane, etc.  In this different  variety of weed type, you can use a Blanket Weed Controller to easily stop this weed on growing.

      • When should pre-emergent weed control be applied?

        The key to a flourishing lawn and garden is planning. 

        So knowing ahead when to fertilize, when to use weed killers, and how much water your lawn needs ensure a lush green and healthy lawn.


        Pre-emergent weed killers are types of herbicides that don't kill weeds and unwanted plants. Instead, they stop the weeds' seeds from sprouting in the first place. Various pre-emergent herbicides are available for lawns, flower beds, and vegetable gardens. 

        However, if you apply them too early, it may hinder the sprouting of beneficial seeds.

        On the contrary, if you apply pre-emergent weed killers too late, it won't do any good. 

        Therefore early spring and fall are considered the most effective times of the year to apply pre-emergent weed killers. 

        Early spring pre-emergent weed killer application drastically reduces the emergence of annual summer weeds, which germinate in late spring. This includes crabgrass, sandbur, and foxtail. 

        On the other hand, henbit and chickweed wait for cooler temperatures before sprouting; therefore, fall application of pre-emergent herbicides will do the trick. 

        Hiring a weed control expert can help you do that job easily, contact Green Garden Landscaping today!.

      • Is pre-emergent weed killer safe?

        Most pre-emergent herbicide products are safe for humans and pets when used as directed. 

        In many independent toxicity studies, pre-emergent herbicides have proven remarkably safe for homeowners, children, and pets. 

        To maximize safety, you need to plan ahead. 

        The best time to apply is when children and pets are not around. 

        To prevent this happening from your family, hire a lawn care company immediately and destroy this weed permanently. 

        Green Garden Landscaping can help you, call us at (919) 478-1852. 

      • When can I apply weed and feed after pre-emergent?

        If you are planning to apply pre-emergent weed and feed, then the best application time is before the germination of weed seed. 

        To control summer weeds, the best time to apply weed and feed is in the early spring. 

        However, you should apply weed and feed in mid-April if you are trying to kill crabgrass. Wait at least one week after applying pre-emergent weed before fertilizing your lawn.

        On the other hand, applying weed & feed during the winter season will have no effect at all on the lawn in the following seasons: spring and summer. Moreover, don't apply weed and feed more than twice per year and wait for at least two months before reapplying the product.  

        To know when and how to apply pre-emergent products, hiring a lawn care company can help you, contact us at (919) 478-1852 .

      • How long does it take for a post-emergent weed killer to work?

        Post-emergent weed killers are some of the most popular chemicals for weed control. 

        The post-emergent herbicide kills the weeds that have already sprouted from the ground and invaded the turfgrass.

        On the contrary, a pre-emergent herbicide kills the weeds before they sprout. Once the soil temperature reaches about 55, most weeds start to germinate. 

        That means a post-emergent herbicide will be your choice to control weeds from spring through fall. 

        However, post-emergent herbicides will have no effect unless weeds are actively growing. 

        Usually, a post-emergent weed killer takes between five to seven days to produce noticeable results. 

        You need to wait up to 21 days for weeds to completely disappear from your lawn.

        Applying weed and feed at proper times is the key to maximum weed control.

      • How does post-emergent weed killer work?

        Post-emergent weed killers are chemicals that control weeds after the weeds have germinated. They kill weeds by traveling down the plant stem to the root system. 

        Here these herbicides destroy the roots and deprive the plant of essential nutrients and water. Weeds do not survive long without water and nutrients and die within no time. 

        So to achieve maximum control with post-emergent herbicides, it should be applied when weeds are actively growing. 

        Post-emergent herbicides are divided into systemic or contact application formulas. Systemic formulas work best to kill perennial weeds. These chemicals are absorbed directly by the plant and move throughout the plant system for maximum killing action. 

        On the other hand, contact herbicides are used on smaller annual weeds to kill the exposed parts. Contact post-emergent herbicides may seem to be less significant than systemic post-emergent herbicides as they only kill the foliage. 

        However, the death of the exposed parts, such as leaves, is enough to kill the entire plant. 

        Post-emergent herbicides are also classified as selective herbicides and nonselective herbicides. Selective herbicides only kill certain weeds and are used in lawn areas where contact with the grass is unavoidable. 

        In comparison, nonselective herbicides are used for killing weeds on a larger scale. They kill both grassy and broadleaf weeds. 

        To get this job done, hire Green Garden Landscaping today!

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