Green Garden Landscaping & Lawn Care Services

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          • How mulch is made?

            Mulch is a four-inch covering over your soil that protects your lawn from heavy rain and extreme heat. 

            Wood chipper is commonly used to process your bark, branches, and pine needles to turn into mulch. 

            Also, leaf mulch can be made with your leaf waste from your garden that you've removed when trimming. Grass clippings can be also used but it must be check as pesticide-free. 

            To know more about mulch and the types of it, you can talk to an expert in mulch installation. 

          • What is the best way to apply mulch?

            There are a few best ways to apply mulch at your lawn. The optimal time is in the middle to late spring or autumn, when the soil is moist and not too cold. 

            Remove any weeds from the bed or border that you want to mulch. Mulches can promote healthy development by increasing soil fertility. The mulch will decompose over time, replenishing your soil with vital nutrients.  

            Hiring a professional lawn care  company  and mulch installer expert can help you get the job done. 

          • What are benefits of using mulch instead of soil?

            Mulch will limit the quantity of water that evaporates from your soil, allowing you to water your plants less frequently and by permitting improved water and air passage through the soil by breaking up clay.  

            Mulch also adds nutrients to sandy soil and enhances its water-holding capacity. It also gives instant color and a manicured appearance to your landscape beds, along the foundation of your home, around trees and shrubs, and between garden beds. 

            Microbes and insects in the soil eat the mulch naturally over time, returning the by-products to the soil as organic matter.  

            It also defends against temperature fluctuations. Mulch functions as an insulator, keeping plant roots cool in the summer and warm in the winter by regulating soil temperature 

            It also aids in the prevention of weeds. 

            By restricting their growth and access to sunlight, a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch naturally helps prevent weeds from sprouting and taking over the landscape. 

            Get your lawn and garden healthy and safe from temperature change, talk to our experts in mulch installation in Sanford to schedule your mulch delivery and installation. 

          • How many bags of mulch do I need?

            To figure out how many bags you'll need, multiply your area in square feet by the mulch depth you'll need (also in feet) and divide by the bag size (in cubic feet). 

            If the depth you want is in inches, multiply it by 12 to get the depth in feet. Mulch bags are calculated as follows: square footage x desired depth (feet) / bag size (cu ft). 

            To get the correct calculation, you can talk to our mulch installers in Sanford and get a free quotation. 

          • What are some alternatives to mulch in your backyard?

            Gardeners and landscapers are familiar with traditional mulches like bark and wood chips, but there are more mulch options for your garden. 

            You can save money by producing your own mulch, here are some options: Stones, Pumice Stones, Rubber Mulch, Shredded Newspaper, Leaf Mulch, Ground Cover(green mulch), Grass Clippings, Straw, and Cold Compost. 

            To know more about the mulch options, you can call us at (919) 478-1852.

          • Why does mulch smell so bad?

            Mulch's odor is a good indicator of its toxicity, and it can help you decide whether it's safe to use on your plants. 

            Toxin buildup causes the nasty odor of sour mulch, although a neutral wood odor is natural. Although good mulch has an odor, it is usually not overpowering or unpleasant. 

            Mulch that is good to plants usually has the distinct aroma of newly chopped wood or compost. Sniffing mulch to determine its quality is a good way to tell if it's safe to use on your plants; if it stinks, it's definitely harmful. 

            To be sure you get the best mulch, you can talk to Green Garden Landscaping, a lawn care company in Sanford that provides high quality mulch.

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