Setting Magical Display of Lights for your Home 

Twinkling lights hanging from the rooftops, wrapped around poles, and sparking in trees is a sign that Christmas is here. But we also know this could mean hard work. 

It doesn’t matter your house or business size, we can make a magical display of lights . Rooflines, landscapes, or tree lighting, we will turn your home into a winter wonderland. 

As a certified light installation company in Sanford, we are experts in the field of residential light installation and holiday decorating. 

 Request a free estimate today and take the hassle on finding the best lighting installers near me!


Professional Light Installer in Sanford, NC 

Don’t climb up a shaky ladder in the freezing cold or waste your time untangling and repairing the lights. Let our Christmas light installation company take care of everything for you and enjoy your family and drink some hot cocoa. We can even ensure that your display stays completely functional thru the season. 

Professional Christmas lighting installation from Green Garden Landscaping will mean less hassle during the holidays. 

Whether you want a simple, elegant look with just Roofline lighting and a big sparkling Christmas wreath and garland , or a stunning over-the-top display to be the envy of all your neighbors, our certified holiday light installers in Sanford NC will take care of it. 

Trusted Holiday Lighting Installation and Repair in NC 

We have the tools and experience to do the job. Every Christmas light installer has been fully trained to properly install your Christmas light display with your home in mind. They use systems and methods to install your lights quickly, efficiently, and without any hassles. We take pride in providing our customers with quality professional installation to ensure your lights are installed with the utmost care. 


Roof Line Lights 

Light is installed in roof line with special clips that maintain the light in its place. 

Path ways 

We pride ourselves on offering full-service local landscaping in Sanford NC, Aberdeen, Cameron and nearby cities for local home and business owners. 


Our support team is available every day to make sure your wreaths are very secure in your house. We will use special hardware to maintain your decoration in the holiday season. 

Why Choose Green Garden Landscaping? 

  • We Install, Design, Remove and Store
  • Roof Line Lights
  • Our products are commercial grade light and energy efficient
  • We repair and maintain all the light, hassle free.

Glamorizing Yards & Gardens 

We’re a part of this community and we’re dedicated to helping both homeowners and business owners of Sanford, NC and the surrounding areas, get the most out of their yards. From large-scale commercial maintenance, design build to residential services, we can take care of all your needs. 

No job is too big or small for a landscape contractor like us, and there’s no such thing as a client that doesn’t deserve our absolute best effort. We are your best choice as we provide most efficient and modern landscaping near me. 

We Serve  North Carolina Cities: 

Light Installation service Frequently Asked Questions 

If you need more information regarding light installation, we compile these frequently asked questions to help you. 

  • How do you custom cut LED Christmas lights for your lawn?

    To begin, make sure your lights are operational. Although it may seem self-evident, cutting or soldering lights will usually void your warranty, so double-check.

    After that, you'll need to figure out how long your LED strip should be. To do so, you'll need to take measurements of the area where the lights will be installed. Make this as precise as possible. Then, on your LED strip, find the cutting line that is closest to this length measurement.

    With a sharp knife or pair of scissors, cut exactly along the cutting line. 

    Take your time, and keep in mind that LED strips are made to be cut, so you won't get shocked. 

    Hiring a expert light installer can get that job done for you easily, like Green Garden Landscaping company.

  • How many lumens does a lawn pathway light need?

    Installing path lights along your walkway with a brightness output of 100 to 200 is recommended. 

    Route lights can be used to illuminate a path from the end of a driveway to the front door, or they can just serve as aesthetic elements. The lumens required are determined by how they are used. 

    To know more tips and suggestions, call us at (919) 478-1852.

  • Is it worth switching to LED holiday lights for your lawn?

    Switching to LED holiday lights for your lawn can offer a range of benefits, including energy savings, longevity, safety, and enhanced customization options. 

    While the initial investment may be slightly higher, many people find that the long-term advantages and the positive environmental impact make LED lights a worthwhile choice for their holiday decorations.

  • Who can we hire to install a custom light for holidays?

    Hiring a professional to install your Christmas lights might be a safer and more efficient way to get into the holiday mood. 

    A professional can reach higher places, develop more detailed designs, and guarantee that your lighting design emphasizes your home's most appealing features. 

    While there are a few professionals you can hire for this project, hiring a local Christmas light installer is probably the best option.

    Stay localy here in Sanford, Like Green Garden Landscaping, these professionals will make certain that you have an experienced specialist developing your design, anchoring lights to your property and landscaping, and validating vital electrical components. 

    Call us at (919) 478-1852.

  • What are the best outdoor pathway lights for your lawn?

    Unique Lighting Systems, Kichler Landscape Lighting, and FX Luminaire are the three greatest outdoor landscape lighting brands. 

    They provide long-lasting fixtures, provide excellent customer service, and can provide you with the knowledge you require to make an informed decision. 

    Brass, stainless steel, and aluminum are the ideal materials for outdoor lighting fixtures. When you combine these fixture materials and brands, your home's exterior will have a stunning appearance. 

    To know more about outdoor pathway for your lawn, contact Green Garden Landscaping at (919) 478-1852.

  • What time should you turn off your custom lights installed on your lawn?

    The ideal time to turn off custom lights installed on your lawn generally depends on personal preferences and local regulations. 

    However, a common practice is to turn off outdoor lights, including custom installations, during the early morning hours, typically around dawn. 

    This not only conserves energy but also ensures that your lights are not illuminated during daylight hours.

     If you want to create a specific ambiance or follow neighborhood guidelines, you may choose a designated time in the evening to turn off the lights, perhaps around 10:00 PM or according to local community standards. 

    Ultimately, finding the right time to turn off your custom lights is a balance between energy efficiency, consideration for neighbors, and your own aesthetic preferences.

Best Landscaping, Lawn Service And Hardscaping Company in North Carolina 

Our Landscape Maintenance Guarantee! A Personal 100% Iron-Clad, Risk Free, Double Money Back Guarantee. Certified by the NC Landscape Contractors Licensing Board. 

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